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Stardew Valley APK v1.5.6.52 download for Android 2024

Are you doing a corporate job, fed up with the hectic routine of daily chores, and want some peaceful time away from city life? Then, Stardew Valley APK can provide a relaxed, nature-friendly village environment.

Eric Baron, also known as  ConcernedApe, developed this RPG-based farming simulation game. The excellent gameplay fetches the player into the dazzling world of Pelican Town. 

APK File NameNameStardew Valley APK
Updated Updated2 Hours Ago
Compatible with CompatibleAndroid 6.0 and up
APK Version Version1.5.6.52
File Size Size381MB
MOD Features MOD FeaturesUnlimited everything
Category CategorySimulation
Developer DeveloperChucklefish Limited
Price PriceFree

The aesthetic game will bring you to the virtual life of the village. You can work on farms as a country farmer and grow the dreamy farm of your choice.

The game is full of fun, but there are also some challenges. Your grandfather inherited a garden in dreadful condition. Now, your mission is to turn an abundant, overgrown farm into a thriving, cultivated one.

This award-winning game is available on mobile, PC, and iOS. Download Stardew Valley for Android devices for free and enjoy 3D realistic gameplay features.

How to download Stardew Valley APK on Android:

Stardew Valley APK Android version is now available on mobile phones. If you are a fan of Stardew Valley, download the game using the link below. You can get a taste of a more realistic farming world. By experiencing its great GUI, you can determine its uniqueness from the rest of the game.

stardow valley install on mobile

Steps for installation of Stardew Valley APK:

Stardew Valley APK online provides an easier way to play the game on mobile devices. The installation steps are as follows:

  • First, go to settings & enable unknown resources.
  • Download the latest version,, on your mobile by clicking the above link.
  • Once the downloading process is completed, locate the APK file in the download folder.
  • For installation, tap on the downloaded file & click on the install option.
  • The installation process takes a few seconds.
  • When the installation process is completed, you will see a pop-up. Click on open to start the game.
how to install stardew valley apk

What is Stardew Valley APK?

The storyline of the game is quite interesting. The story revolves around the player working in “Joja Corporation’’. 

He felt depressed while doing a dull and dreary job. One day, he found a letter from his late grandfather.

 He claims that his old farm, situated in Pelican Town, is now in his grandchild’s custody. The letter motivated him to live a simple but peaceful village life, so he moved to Stardew Valley to restore his grandfather’s farm. And this is what you have to do in the game.

You have to build your farming career from scratch. Your primary responsibility is to harvest different types of seasonal crops and sell them at market price. The profit will help you upgrade your farmland and unlock more unique features. While exploring a unique farming game, check out the Stardew Valley wiki to get updated on farming areas and detailed tool guidelines and discover hidden gems. All these guides will help you to boost your gameplay experience.

stardew valley apk download
stardew valley apk (1)

Unveiling Stardew Valley APK dynamic world:


Build the farm of your dreams:

The Stardew Valley APK is a charming game where players can customize their farms according to their creativity. To build a dreamy farm, carefully analyze which crop is best for a specific season. The choice of crop also depends on your farming experience. You can also design a decorative pathway outlook for a more appealing space.

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Build your creative house:

A house is already built for farmers on the top right side of the farm. With hundreds of customization choices, you can upgrade & customize your home according to your plan. You can buy furniture and do some decor for your farmhouse appearance.

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Adoring love relationships:

If your farm runs successfully, you can start your family. Stardew Valley does not solely depend on farming or agriculture, but to make it more realistic, you can make a relationship with a specific character that suits you. There are 12 proposals available for developing a romantic relationship. When your family gets more extensive, you can upgrade your farmhouse.

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Explore hidden, mysterious caves:

Another exciting element is the exploration of mysterious caves. The most horrifying point is that caves contain hostile creatures or monsters. These monsters include bats, slims, rock crabs, and mummies. Exploring these caves will help you find treasures and other valuable things that help you in-game progression.

Features of Stardew Valley APK original version:

Stardew Valley APK’s original version having no mod has many unique features that make the game more exciting & engaging. The features are as follows:

Stardew valley apk farming image


Grow annual and perennial crops like wheat, sunflowers, Corn, and coffee beans to generate more income. Each crop requires a particular season for cultivation. For more money, you can raise livestock and sell their by-products, like chicken, eggs, and milk. Construct a bee house for the production of honey. Users will get honey from beehives in 3 to 4 days in all seasons except winter.

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Seasonal variation:

Season variation has played a crucial role in gameplay. Every season has a unique charm because each season brings a distinct flavor to the game. Each season possesses its own set of events and festivals. These include Egg festivals in spring, luau in summer, Stardew Valley fair in fall & festival of ice in winter.

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Crafting & Upgrading

The crafting feature helps the player create new items and tools from material obtained in the game. Several crafting stations, including furniture, a workbench, and recycling machines, are used for specific purposes. Players can upgrade their primary tools to make them more efficient. They can buy tools from Blacksmith and Clint and upgrade them according to user requirements.

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When your energy is drained, go fishing. Use different water bodies like oceans and rivers to catch various fish species. Players can use bait to catch the fish on the rod. Players can participate in the town’s development by completing fishing bundles in the community center. The max level for each skill in Stardew Valley is 10. Once you reach level 10; you can’t get any experience points for that skill.

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Festivals and Events:

The events and festivals include seasonal events, special seasons, fishing and egg festivals, community center events, the Stardew Valley Fair, and more. Participation in these activities will help players gain rewards and opportunities to interact with community members.

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Realistic day & night cycle:

Players can experience realistic day and night modes. There is a particular length of a day, around 13.5 minutes in real-time. Players typically wake up at 6 a.m. and must sleep at 2 a.m. after completing all activities. Specific activities like fishing, farming, and socializing with townspeople can be performed during the daytime. Some engaging activities can be achieved only in dark mode and in specific locations at night.

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Joja Mart and Community Centre:

Joja Mart and the community center are 2 pillars of community development. If the user chooses the community center, he must restore it by completing bundles. Otherwise, another alternative is choosing Joja Mart, which offers to develop the town from a business-oriented perspective.

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Quests & achievement:

Quests are missions & tasks assigned to players to get rewards in case of task completion. Players must complete quests from NPCs and bulletin boards to earn money and unlock new content. Types of quests include Community center bundles, Mailborad, notice board requests, and secret notes. Achievements include experiencing different game levels and achieving special milestones, including polyculture, complete shipment, gofer, Greenhorn, etc.

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Social interaction:

Interact with other characters, like your friends and neighbors, to establish relationships among people in the community. There are several ways of building social interaction in games, like talking to NPCs, giving gifts, attending Events and festivals, establishing Friendship levels, and attending heart events. Maintaining relationships with an immersed range of characters will help players unlock new, unique content and enhance their experience.

mine exploration

Mines Exploration:

My exploration aims to obtain ores, gems, and minerals that help players in crafting, find antique material for museums, and upgrade tools. Ores like gold, radium, and copper can be hunted during mining in caves. Mine exploration has multiple levels, each containing different resources and challenges.

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Watching TV

The source of information for players in Stardew Valley is TV. A player can get many updates from TV, like Weather broadcasting, cooking recipes & events occurring in Pelican Town. TV will also update you about your day & luck of the following day. These updates will allow the player to schedule their day.


Regular update and Support System:

Developer ConcernedAp will update you about recently released Content, features, and quality-of-life improvements to enhance your gameplay experience on Android, PC & MAC devices. Each update will help you to boost your gameplay experience.

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User Interface:

Stardew Valley’s user interface is simple. It includes various menus, icons, and controls for interacting with game items and managing farm activities.

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          Staredew Valley APK, with music, can enhance the joy of the farming game. From vibrant music tunes for peaceful farming days to upbeat tunes of festivals, the music tracks will define every moment of the game. The music album contains almost 70 songs.

stardew vally preview

Pros & Cons :


  • Diverse activities
  • The rich storyline
  • Engaging Gameplay Limited Multiplayer
  • Replayability
  • Customization options


  • Time-consuming
  • Learning curve
  • Performance issues
  • Repetitive task

Tips & Tricks for Stardew Valley APK:

Here are some Tips & Tricks for the players that help them to play games on mobile devices. These are given below:

Plan your day:

When you wake up, start with a proper plan. Prioritize tasks like watering crops, feeding animals, and completing challenges on time to maximize your energy.

Invest in quality tools:

Upgrade your tools according to your level. Upgraded tools save energy, time, and resources. Upgrade your tools as soon as possible to improve the farm’s efficiency.

Manage energy wisely:

Maintain your energy level wisely. If your energy is drained out, your character may die in gameplay. Eat food properly, take breaks & use tools efficiently to maximize your energy.

Keep an eye on the Calendar:

The calendar reminds you about Pelican Town’s events, festivals, and birthday functions. Participating in these events earns you rewards and prizes that help players in gameplay.

Farm Upgradation:

Farm equipment like coops, barns, and sprinkler systems should be considered to increase farm productivity and efficiency. Upgrading will help the player manage a farm more efficiently.

Time management skills:

There is a proper day and night cycle in Stardew Valley, which makes it more realistic. The player has to plan his activities according to time. He has to choose a specific time slot for farming, mining, fishing, and social interaction.

Prefer Community Centre Bundles:

Stardew Valley APK is a Central hub that allows players to restore abandoned buildings by completing bundles. Community Centre Bundles can reward a collection of various items that players can win and donate to fulfill the criteria. These bundles help in unlocking new rooms & services.

Explore Secret Places:

While exploring Stardew Valley, you can discover many mysterious places throughout the game. It would help if you explored these weird places to gain valuable resources, artifacts, and surprises.

User Manual Requirement:

To install Stardew Valley APK, make sure that you have met the following requirements

  • Application Requires Android 4.4 or higher to function correctly.
  • Devices having 2GB RAM or more are compatible.
  • The required storage space is 500MB to 1GB.
  • The device must have a decent battery life timing.
  • An Internet connection is only needed for the downloading process. Once installed, the game can be played offline. 

Common errors & issues:

The most common errors you may face are below:

  • A player may face a locked content file error. This may happen when the file is not accessible due to permission issues.
  • Sometimes, mods need to be fixed, which results in missing items, characters, and features.
  • The game may freeze or crash if mods are incompatible with the version. 
  • Game graphics may rupture
  • Compatibility issues.

How to troubleshoot:

Try the following steps to fix the issues:

  • Make sure your device will meet system requirements.
  • Restart your device and game to resolve issues.
  • Update Stardew Valley APK’s latest version.
  • If you still need help, contact support.

Stardew Valley 1.5 updates for mobile users:

Many new options are available in the 1.5 Stardew Valley mobile version. The following updates are below:

New Farm options:

An entirely new beach farm option is available. You can grow crops, but sprinkles didn’t work there. You can also go ocean fishing, use crab pots, collect seashells, and avail yourself of a washed-up package bonus.

Also, explore Stardew Valley for PC & MAC versions to play more seamless gameplay.

New settings:

In the current 1.5 version, Some new settings can alter your game experience. Here, you can choose the remix community center bundle. Guaranteed 1-year compatibility will ensure getting a red cabbage seed. You can change the profit margin to make the game harder.

Moveable items:

You can move your bed anywhere in the available room space in Stardew Valley APK. You can also place your bed next to the door if you come late at night. The most impressive feature for mobile users is that you can sit on chairs and do many other things in the game. You can move your greenhouse building if space is available in your beach area.

Select a building to paint:

A fantastic feature is available now for mobile users in Stardew Valley APK. You can paint your buildings with specific colors, such as brown, blue, etc., of your choice. A proper color scheme is available to help you paint your building.

Glowstone ring:

The most exciting item, the glowstone ring, has been added to the latest version of Stardew Valley. Users can craft it starting from mining level 4. The ring has the combined effect of glowing and magnet rings. Players use this item to experience the luminous radius effect and the ability to collect items at a distance.

Lost & Found box:

The Lost and Found box is inside Mayor Lewis’s house in Stardew Valley APK. If you lose any item, you can retrieve it from that box. The box contains a question mark above it. It is available only when the mayor’s house is unlocked between 8:30 am to 10 pm.

Mahogany seed:

The mahogany seed is introduced in the 1.5 mobile version. You can find these seeds by breaking hardwood stumps, which are present in secret woods. Further, you can use seeds to grow trees and get hardwood instead of regular wood. Tapping a tree will give sap every day.

Luau festivals:

In Stardew Valley APK; every summer on 11, a festival occurs on the beach south of Pelican town. Only one shop is open during the holiday, which sells jungle decorations and star fruit during the dance of Moonlight jellies. The main feature of the luau event is potluck soup made by villagers.

Ginger Island:

Once players have completed the community center or Jojo membership, they will receive a letter from villager Willi asking them to prepare a boat for the island. 200 hardwood, five iridium bars, and five battery packs are needed to repair the island. The main focus of visiting Ginger Island is to get the maximum amount of golden walnuts to unlock all its features and areas.

Stardew Valley Planner APK:

Valley Planner is an excellent addition to the game. This APP will keep track of everything in the user’s daily farming routine. This valuable assistant tool helps players:

  • To Create a to-do list for every season,
  • And add custom notes according to their requirements. 
  • This gadget also contains a calendar to keep track of every single upcoming activity & event. 

Stardew Valley APK file + OBB file?

Most people didn’t know about OBB + APK files. Here is the basic difference between both files:

APK FILE(Andriode Package kit):

This file contains a basic installation package used for Android devices. It contains all vital code; files and other resources for installing games on Android devices.

 OBB File(Opaque binary bolb):

It included all important additional resources and files such as media files and graphics; that are not included in the main APK file.

The Player’s Review.

Alternatives of Stardew Valley APK:

There are many best alternatives available; a few are listed below:

Story of seasons icon

Story of seasons:

The game is a remake version of Harvest Moon. It offers significantly updated graphics while retaining the charm of engaging gameplay.

harvest moon icon

Harvest Moon:

Harvest Moon is a farm simulation game like Stardew Valley, focusing on farm building & managing a farm.

Terraria con


Terraria is a fantastic alternative to Stardew Valley. It offers a sandbox-style experience with crafting, building, and combat elements.

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The game provides farming exposures that are more likely than Stardew. However, the user has to perform other duties, such as working as a shopkeeper during the day and being an adventurer at night.

animal crossing game icon

Animal Crossing: New Horizon:

Animal Crossing is a simulation game where users can customize their farms, plant trees, and construct infrastructure like bridges.


Yes, you can play this game offline without the internet.

The 1.5 mobile app has many unique features, the prominent ones being the entries of new NPCs and enemies, ostriches, and a new Ginger Island.

There are 12 candidates available to build a relationship with them. These are Penny, Leah, Sam, Haley, Sebastian, etc.

Yes, you can play this game with many people, like your family & friends.

You can download modded versions on your Windows, mobile, and Mac.

No, if you download Stardew Valley from the Play Store, it will be paid. But if you download the APK file from our site, you can download the game easily & free.

Not talking to villagers if the player’s heart meter is full will slightly decrease the player’s friendship level.

Wrapping Up:

When you want to enjoy your spare time, play Stardew Valley APK. It is available on Android, PC, and MAC. You can enjoy this soothing game with your friends. 

The main crunch point that differentiates it from other games is that you learn meaningful lessons like time management, Planning & Strategy, hard work, problem-solving, and other social skills. In this article, we have provided detailed information regarding this RPG’s open-ended gameplay. 

So why are you waiting for it??. Download the Stardew Valley APK latest 2024 version from our site and enjoy the high-quality farming game.

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